Isobel Addison’s diary February 1929

Feb 2    Pop speaking at Trowbridge

Feb 4    Church Council election

Feb 5    Go to London

11 – 15  Pop in Swindon

Friday, 1st February, 1929

Woke with a start just before 7.30 but had Mike’s breakfast ready in plenty of time.  Dressed myself after breakfast  – a most immoral proceeding.  Pop and I went to  Newton to see Harold Michelmore to get our wills drafted.   Both also got our hair cut.  Poor old Pop owing to mistaken enthusiasm on his barber’s part, looks like a shorn lamb.  We also bought some provender and came home and ate it with most excellent coffee.  During the afternoon I fear we were lazy and fell asleep by the fire.  I wrote to the girls.  After tea Mike did his homework and Daddy and I together completed the arrangement of Isobel’s room and I left both hers and Katie’s ready  for cleaning.  Came to bed about 12.

Saturday, 2nd February, 1929

Up in pretty good time this morning had breakfast and saw Michael off.  Did the laundry – Pop went down for the 10 train – gone to speak this afternoon at Trowbridge and Swindon tomorrow afternoon.  I had a real good day’s work tidying my room.  Went through all the drawers and threw away lots of accumulation.  Mike got home for dinner and amused himself with his stream and other matters till tea time.  His stream is running full force.  I love the sound of it.  We had a quiet evening – I did some Nursing accounts  – have raked in some outstanding subscriptions and have got over £12 to hand in to Mr. Strong.  We had rather a massacre of the innocents today in that Quantick  slaughtered five of my old hens!  They are certainly getting rather passse as regards the laying of eggs!

Sunday, 3rd February, 1929

Got up at 7 as Michael went to church at 8 as he was serving for Willie Perrall.  I stayed at home and got the dinner well forward and we had breakfast directly he came in – very wet morning.  I went to church at 11 – it was still wet but awfully nice.   Soft caressing drizzly rain – I like it.  I found the service very refreshing and the sermon rather inspiring.

Mr. McIntyre looked and sounded awfully seedy.  Walked home part of the way with Mrs. Hooper.  Chris and Brigit came about a quarter to one and we had dinner and after dinner Brigit and I collected a lot of Chris’s belongings  and packed them up.  I got Mike’s clothes together for going to the Hoopers on Tuesday.  They’ll want mending tomorrow. Chris and Mike had a great game of skittles in the little yard by the coal house.    Had tea and amused Chris and Brigit by reading out to them an old diary of mine of 1919 – what a lot one got through in those days!  We had supper about 8.  Chris went in his Wesland(?) to meet Pop who arrived at Newton at 9.19.  We gave him supper and had some tea  and Chris and Brigit started for Moreton about 5 to 11.  Pop and I sat a bit by the fire and talked and came to bed just after 12.

Monday, 4th February, 1929

Michael and I had our breakfast and I took Pop some tea and he had his breakfast later as he was very tired last night.   He was at Colway  in the morning and I did a lot of washing and mending and ironing.  Got lunch and  Nurse came in for her weekly report.  We went to  Newton to sign our wills and also left a pile of blankets at Pullars to be cleaned.  Church Council election meeting in the evening – an awful fiasco – they have collected a prize set of duds – “dumb mouths” – !  Mr. MacIntyre came home with Pop and me and we drank coffee and talked.  It was very pleasant.  I meant to do a lot more letters and work but just sat by the fire and talked.  Came to bed at 2.

Tuesday, 5th February, 1929

Got breakfast over in good time and after Michael had gone had a most hectic morning getting packed and finishing all odd jobs.  Arranged on the telephone for Chris to keep house and take care of the dogs.  Did heaps of sewing and even fed the caterpillars and paid some bills  and had a bite of lunch and got to Newton with five minutes to spare for our train.    Kate met us at Paddington and we came to Circus Road.  Had dinner and all talked 19 to the dozen and laid plans for various doings.  Had baths and Kate went to her flat to bed and we settled down here.

Wednesday, 6th February, 1929

I got up soon after 7 and woke Bel who had work to do.  We made some tea and I went over to wake Katie and we bought some food and came over here for breakfast.  She and Bel then went to their various jobs and Pop and I spent from about 11.30 till 4 shopping in Finchley Road for the flat.  Bel was here when we got in and our various purchases began to arrive and we put them in their places.  I set to work to make curtains .  Kate came in for dinner and Thomas came and they went to practise.  Bel sat at her essay and Pop and I continued our labours at curtains and curtain rods etc.  We hung one pair of curtains in the sitting room before we went to bed.  Kate came in about 12 and slept on the floor in our sitting room.

Thursday, 7th February, 1929

Got up at about 7.30 and got breakfast ready and Bel and I went down to the shop to buy some food.  Kate had to go out early and Bel continued her essay.  Pop put down linoleum etc.,  I finished off curtains.  I’ve completed 2 ½ pairs and have only the kitchen pair to do now.  After lunch Pop and I went to Mappins about Katie’s pearls and insurance.  I came home and he went out to see Mr. Unwin.  Kate came in at 4.30 and we had some tea.  Bel was out having an evening meal with Colin Clarke and came in about 10.  Kate spent the night with us again.  Pop and I went to see Miriam after supper.

Friday, 8th February, 1929

Saw Unwin and the model of the house.  Pop and I went to Ashford to spend the night with Annie.

Saturday, 9th February, 1929

Left Ashford about 11.  Lunched at Lyons near Charing Cross and got to the flat about three.  Found Isobel in, Katie came soon after and we had tea and played bridge in the evening.

Sunday, 10th February, 1929

All very late and slack in the morning.  Tidied up the flat, had lunch and went to tea with Molly MacVittie at Dulwich and had a very jolly time.  Got home about 8.30 and Bella cooked bacon and eggs for our supper.

Monday 11th February, 1929

Bel and I went shopping and bought me a nightgown and knickers and she got some stockings.  Bitterly cold blast of  N.E. wind.  Pop went to see Willie B.  We all met at flat for lunch.  Pop had heard from Willie that poor old Jack is awfully ill.  Pop and I left for Swindon at 3.30.

Saturday, 16th February, 1929

Left Swindon at 9 a.m. and got to the flat soon after 10.30.  Girls just finishing dressing.  Pop and Bella and I went out together, she to get books for an essay and he and I to get my new glasses from Clement Clarke and to do some other shopping.

Sunday, 17th February, 1929

Pop and I went to see Bessie.  Dear old Jack died this morning at about 2.20.  Nick came to lunch and spent the afternoon and evening with us.

Monday, 18th February, 1929

Went out to Finchley Road with Kay and bought myself a new frock, also some black stockings etc., and woollen stockings for Kay and Bel.  After lunch Pop and I went to see Mappins about Kate’s pearls and got their definite promise that she would receive the £100.  We then went on to see Alix and saw dear Jack who looked most peaceful, and very young.  Alix was awfully nice to us.  Walter Hall was there and also Willie B.  In the evening Molly and her husband came to dinner and we played bridge.  Kay had to go out to dance and Bel sat at her essay.

Tuesday, 19th February, 1929

Pop and I spent the afternoon by the sitting room fire.  I wrote letters and he slept.  I got some tea for us and he then left for Swindon.   Isobel got in about 6 and Kate soon after.

Wednesday, 20th February, 1929

Persuaded Isobel to stay in bed today.  Kate was out.  I did a great sweeping and cleaning  in the sitting room and hall.  In the afternoon Kay and I went and got our hair cut and bought me some nightgowns.  Got home and had tea and Thomas came to dinner and he and Kay went out to a dance.  Bel slept in my sitting room with me, I moved her bed in there and Kay slept in Pop’s bed.

Thursday, 21st February, 1929

Pop got back about 11 and he and I went to Jack’s funeral.  Spent the afternoon going up to the churchyard to take Paul two little pink hyacinths  and did some shopping.  Home to tea with Kay and Bella.  In  the evening we had a little game of bridge.  Billie Buchanan and Peggy came to see us, both awfully nice, had a very pleasant evening.

Friday, 22nd February, 1929

Up in good time and got the breakfast ready and got them all up.  Pop and I went to Paddington and got the 10.30.  Home by 2.15 and had a great greeting from Brigit and the dogs and crowds of cats.  Had a cup of tea and talked by the drawing room fire.  Unpacked and tidied away all my belongings.  Chris came about 4.  Michael had tea with the Hoopers and came in about six, looking very well but still rather colded.  Wrote to the girls, got masses of laundry ready to send out in the morning.

Saturday, 23rd February, 1929

Got Michael off to school and Chris to Moreton and did all my usual chores.  Cooked a nice hot dinner.  After  tea Brigit and I went to see the MacIntyres and the Hoopers.  Home and got supper and played bridge.

Sunday, 24th February, 1929

Mike was serving at 7 so he and I went to church together.  Had a few words with Mr. MacIntyre who still looks very seedy.  Brigit and I went to church at 11.  Came in and found Pop and the boys playing skittles in the book room!  After lunch we had to start a “House” match!  I played my rounds and then snoozled by the drawing room fire and played my other rounds before tea.  Needless to say I was bottom scorer!  Pop went to church in the evening.  Stella St. John came in after supper for help with her car which had broken down.  Pop and Chris gave her the necessary assistance and sent her on her way.

Monday, 25th February, 1929

Mike got off in good time and Chris and Brigit and their cats and other belongings  left about 9.  Pop and I went to Newton to fetch the blankets from Pullar.  I bought a hamper for the girls’ laundry and Pop went to see Mr. Horner at Higgott and Wills. Rather a lazy afternoon. Wrote to the girls.  Michael home by tea-time, very cheery.  He has got very  cold again.

Tuesday, 26th February, 1929

Pop and I paid a visit to the vicarage and gave Mr. MacIntyre a good lecture on the case of his health.  He looks very seedy and he seems to be running a temperature.  Called at Mrs. Hooper’s but she was not there.   Mike came home for dinner having a merit  holiday.  In the evening, he and Pop and I and Marie Hooper went to Exeter to see the school play  and enjoyed it immensely.  Went and had a cup of tea with the Griffs afterwards and got home by 12.  Made sandwiches and tea and came to bed.

Wednesday, 27th February, 1929

Spent most of the morning cooking.  Michael home for dinner.  After dinner we went to Newton, took his coat to be altered and did  some shopping and went on by train to Moreton.  Viewed the garage building and had tea with Chris and Brigit and Chris brought us all back in his Overland.  Made a nice hot supper and had a lazy evening by the fire.  Awfully cold and frosty but there was lovely sunshine for a great part of the day.

Thursday, 28th February, 1929

Darned some stockings after breakfast and spent the rest of the morning sorting laundry.  Packed hamper to send to the girls with all their clean things and wrote to them.  Pop  went to Crediton in the afternoon to speak at the girls school.  They had a representative  from each party to speak for 15 minutes.  Michael came home and he and I had tea  and he did his homework.  I had a bath and then went to church for a Lenten service.  Went into the vicarage for a few minutes afterwards.   Mrs. MacIntyre was in bed having badly scalded her leg  with a burst hot water bottle.  Came home and got supper for Mike and me.  Pop was in and had had his.