SHA Central Council meets 25 March

SHA Central Council meeting 10am Sat 25th March 2023
(link to full pdf version)

Register in advance:

CC meetings in 2023 at 10 am 17 June, 9 Sept, 2 Dec.


Welcome to new members of the Central Council, attendance and apologies.

Matters arising from AGM 2023 including rapid switch to Action Network.

Update on disputes in NHS

Functional teams

    1. SHA internal – finance, membership databases documents etc & SHA Branches
    2. LABOUR SocSoc, affiliations
    3. UNIONS (Conferences & joint work)
    5. PUBLIC Office holders councillors, assembly members MPs – no assignment yet
    6. COMMS (internal and external)

Main campaign initiatives / working groups

    1. NHS75 – possibly 1st or 2nd July major project with allocation of significant resources. Aim to  gain cosponsorship from unions and campaigning bodies eg War on Want in addition to health campaigns. Look to build links with radical minded university departments too. We aim to pitch to address public concerns.  Note also SHAC proposals / Durham Miners Gala / Levellers and Tolpuddle, UNISON Conf. Very big team including officers needed.
    2. Labour Conference 23 – intervention and motion. ask Labour team to develop ideas.
    3. Food Security – note motion.
    4. Social Care
    5. International – not yet assigned.
    6. Further Working groups

SHA 2021-2023 Budget

  1. Introduction

This document sets out the proposed budget for the financial year 1st November 2021 to 31st March  2023. This is in the context of the establishment of the limited liability company from the end of October 2021 and represents a 17-month accounting period.

  1. Method

The proposed revised budget is based on the actual spend for the calendar year 2021 (note that the financial year ended 31st October 2021). I have then adjusted the actual spend figures to arrive at a realistic budget which focuses on campaigning and improving the SHA’s presence and profile. Accounting is carried out on an accruals (income and expenditure) basis from 1st November 2021.

  1. Proposed Budget

A table is available on the full documentation which sets out  the actual audited spend for 2021, the original proposed budget for 2021-2022 and the revised budget for 2021-23. I am proposing a deficit budget of £11,500 over the 17 month period, in order that the SHA can prioritise campaigning and in the light of the surpluses generated in the two previous financial years (a total of £28,677.52, relating mainly to savings on the administrator role, and reduced activity as a result of Covid).

  1. Recommendation

The SHA should set a deficit (revised) budget for the financial year November 2021-March 2023 as set out in Table 1 above, and utilising part of the surpluses accrued in the previous 2 financial years.

Esther J M Giles MA; MSc; CPFA Treasurer

Next CC meetings in 2023 at 10am on 25 March, 17 June, 9 Sept, 2 Dec.
