Sexual and reproductive healthcare for women during COVID-19 – from FSRH

The attached advice from the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health provides details about the changes to provision of sexual and reproductive healthcare during COVID-19. It includes what type of care women can expect and how to get it – for example, how to get normal contraception prescriptions or treatment during the pandemic.  

A link to the document is provided below, and a copy is also attached.

FSRH has launched a comprehensive advice document for women seeking sexual and reproductive healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The advice aims to inform and empower women to make the best choices for their sexual and reproductive health. It details the changes to provision of sexual and reproductive healthcare during COVID-19, including what type of care women can expect to access and how they can access it.

FSRH – COVID advice-for-women-seeking-contraception-and-srh-during-covid-by-fsrh