Health and betting


As a child I and my whole family were badly affected by my father’s addicted habit of betting and my mother in particular had to manage at times on very little amount of money to feed, keep warm (heat) and cloth us on because of such I have a great hate for any form of betting and am supporting this that I forward to you for your consideration.

However, betting can easily become a mental illness and whilst some may not see the true affects that this can have on families, it’s cost to the communities and the NHS has to be given greater consideration. So please do have a look at this.

This morning the government made an announcement that could change lives. They’re talking about cracking down on betting machines that are so addictive they’ve been dubbed the “crack cocaine” of gambling.

Packed into high streets up and down the country, these machines suck up life savings and turn people’s lives upside down. Now, the government’s at a crossroads. They could decide to drastically reduce the amount of money people can bet – or they could tinker around the edges.

Right now the minister in charge of gambling, Tracey Crouch, wants to know what the public thinks. She’s weighing up her options, working out whether she’s got the backing to change the law so that no one can lose their life savings in a single afternoon.

A huge petition signed by hundreds of thousands of us could be enough to show that the public’s behind her. Will you join me and sign the petition?