The Future of Primary Care

Friday 11th April 2008 Nottingham Voluntary Action Centre 7 Mansfield Road Nottingham NG1 3FB

Professor Steve Iliffe Professor of Primary Care for Older People, Dept. of Primary Care & Population Sciences, University College London

Mo Girach, Former Chief Executive of South East London Doctors Co-operative, one of the largest GP true co-operatives, with 475 Principal GP members, now works as a Business Health Strategist with focus on Primary Care, Practice Based Commissioning and Social Enterprise and Social Entrepreneurship. Mo’s presentation:

Gilles de Wildt is a Birmingham GP. He is a member of the Health Inequalities Standing Group of the Royal College of General Practitioners and a trustee of Medact. He presents, publishes and teaches on health inequalities and economic policies, and has represented non governmental organisations at meetings of UN institutions and other international events on health and trade issues. Previously, he worked in hospital care, district health care, public health and epidemiology in the Netherlands and Southern Africa. Gilles presentation