Beveridge: Social Security And Social Policy

409. Social security as used in this Report means assurance of a certain income. The Plan for Social Security set out in the Report is a plan to win freedom from want by maintaining incomes. But sufficiency of income is not sufficient in itself. Freedom from want is only one of the essential freedoms of mankind. Any Plan for Social Security in the narrow sense assumes a conĀ­certed social policy in many fields, most of which it would be inappropriate to discuss in this Report. The plan proposed here involves three particular assumptions so closely related to it that brief discussion is essential for underĀ­standing of the plan itself. These are the assumptions of children’s allowances, of comprehensive health and rehabilitation services, and of maintenance of employment. After these three assumptions have been examined, general questions are raised as to the practicability of taking freedom from want as an immediate post-war aim and as to the desirability of planning reconstruction of the social services even in war.